Lemon Tree varieties

There are many varieties of lemon that you may choose to grow. Some of them are the following:
Eureka: This variety grows year-round and abundantly. Typically lemons found in the super market are from this variety.
Bush lemon tree: This variety originates from the subtropical Australia. It has thick skin and is very hardy. In optimal circumstances it can grow up to 4,
Femminello St. Teresa, or Sorrento: A variety native to Italy, with concentration in lemon oils. The limoncello is typically made by its lemons.
Jhambiri C. jhambiri (Tan): This type of lemon has a yellow exterior and a very sour pulp. It is widely used in South Asia for rootstock in S. Asia
Lisbon: A good quality bitter lemon with high juice and acid levels, the fruits of Lisbon are very similar to Eureka. The vigorous and productive trees are very thorny, particularly when young.
Meyer: The Meyer variety is probably a cross between a lemon and an orange or a mandarin. It has thin skin, less acidic and with a much thinner rind compared to the Lisbon and Eureka lemon varieties. The lemons have a yellowish to orange color. It should be noted that they handle frost a bit better compared to most lemon varieties.
Ponderosa: This variety has large and thick-skinned lemons. One of the most cold sensitive varieties. It is believed to be a citron-lemon hybrid.
Variegated Pink: This lemon is a varietal of either the Eureka or the Lisbon cultivar. It has variegated patterns in the foliage and the rinds of immature green fruit. The variegated pattern recedes once the lemons have matured. Typically both the flesh and the juice have a pink or pink to orange color
Verna: A variety from Spain
Yen Ben: A cultivar from Australia
Yuzu: This variety withstands cold better than any other. It is has been cultivated for many centuries in Japan and Korea. It has a flavor reminiscing of meyer lemon and white grapefruit. It most probably is a cross between ichang papeda and a sour mandarin.